Drone News

Drones Used To Replant Forests

A company based in the northwestern United States called DroneSeed is speeding up the process of replanting forests in areas where logging has left the landscape barren of trees. The company is using specially modified drones to first spray herbicides and then fire seeds into the ground using compressed CO2. Using drones instead of humans both speeds up the process and drastically reduces costs. I...

Exploring Huge Caves With Drones

Earlier this year, a team of drone pilots was hired to fly to Vietnam to shoot drone footage in one of the largest cave systems in the world. This article tells the interesting story of how they transported the drones to this remote location and were able to actually shoot the footage. Despite problems with customs, equipment malfunctioning in the humidity, lack of light, high heat and many other ...

Allstate Insurance Is Using Drones For Roof Inspections

With the passage of the FAA’s Part 107 in the US, commercial drone use is up. Recently, Allstate insurance, one of the world’s largest home owner insurance providers, began using drones to inspect the roofs of homes damaged in recent storms in San Antonio, Texas. The company used to send insurance adjusters and roof inspectors to climb on the top of the roofs, but no longer. With drone...

Future Value Of Drone Industry

Everyone knows that drones are becoming more and more popular, not only for recreational flying, cinematography and FPV racing, but also in many industries. Forbes recently released an infographic that shows the major industries that are using drones now and will be using drones more in the near future. The commercial impact is staggering! Don’t be surprised if you next pizza is delivered by...

Drone Deterrents Hit The Market

As drones become more and more prevalent, fears about privacy and security continue to increase. And, of course, where there is a need (and money to be made), there is innovation! Several promising drone deterrent technologies have recently been announced. Some of them simply detect the presence of an unwanted visitor in the sky, some block them from coming overhead, and some, like the ApolloShiel...


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