Interview With The CEO Of The Drone Racing League

FPV racing drones
DRL Drones

Ever wondered where drone racing got its start? Many DIY hobbyists have been building and racing radio controlled vehicles for years. But in order to become a popular sport, Drone Racing, just like anything else, needed a kickstart and a way to become popular with a generation that is already inundated with media every day. The Drone Racing League has become that way. It is less than three years old but already building a following through its television and sponsorship deals.

“About four years ago you started to see stuff out of Australia about it,” says Nick Horbaczewski, CEO of the Drone Racing League. “About two years ago you started to see communities forming online—forum posts, how do I build a drone, where can I race it,” Horbaczewski adds.

This article from Time Magazine tells the story of the Drone Racing League and gives some ideas about where the future of the sport may be going.

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